Law is prevalent in every nation and state all across the world. The importance of law is known by everyone. It is used to keep peace and sanctity of a certain state and its people and punish the ones who tend to do any immoral activities. Without law, the future of any nation or state is simply dead. Law helps create a nation, put out its limits and maintain peace and prosperity all across it. It is one of the major pillars on which the responsibility of the nation stands. Law deems it necessary that no one should be exempted from its jurisdiction. It is equal for everyone in a certain nation or state. This can also be termed as RULE OF LAW.
Definition: Rule of law is the authority of the law imposed on a particular society and in inhabitants and institutions in that society which is equal for everyone and everyone must abide by the publicly disclosed tenets of the said law.
There are certain factors regarding the Rule of Law. Those factors are:
The Rule of Law is By Law and Not Men. The laws that are imposed on the society must be neutral in their nature and must be created for the betterment of the society and its protection. The law must be made for the sake of law, and not for the selfish requirements of any man. It is made for all the people and everyone should be deemed equal under it.
Sometimes the Rule of law is determined by popular consent. The consent of the jury and the people living in a certain society must matter than the consent of a single man or a group of men ion authority. It is for the people in the society, and the people must have a say in it. If a law is made against the wishes of the common people, completely going against them, there can be huge repercussions for that. The laws must be made in such a way that it should benefit the people living in the society and they must have some desire to abide by it. Click here Ian King
The Law Must be made on moral grounds. It is an important aspect of the rule of law. Law is not something that people impose upon someone on a whim, it is made for the security and the progress of a certain society. Having morality induced in law can work towards that goal. Morality is something that is quickly disappearing from the human race. If by force or law, men are somehow drawn towards moral ideas, we can live in a much more humane society than the one we are living in now. Crimes are not only made against the state, but every crime begins by breaching a code of moral conduct as the first step. Therefore, it is important to induce morality in the rule of law.
The law must be treated as law, with fear and respect for it. Without both of those things, the rule of law is useless in a certain society.
The rule of law is imperative for the progress of any society, nation or state.
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