5 Reasons Seniors Should Always Have A Lawyer

Getting older comes with its own set of challenges, and some of those challenges may mean that you need a legal professional on your side.  Being aware of the challenges that may come your way will help you to be better prepared to handle the situation.  

Most people aren’t super knowledgeable about what a good lawyer can really do for their lives, so don’t worry if you’re in that pool.  Instead, educate yourself.  Check out a quick look into a few reasons why seniors should always have a lawyer that’s just a phone call away.  

Ironing out your last will and testament

You don’t even have to be a senior citizen to draw up your last will and testament, but you do need to have a lawyer to make certain that your post mortem wishes are observed.  

You worked hard to achieve and accrue the things you have now, and it’s important that those things are dispersed per your wishes once you pass.  A good lawyer will be your advocate. 

Nursing home or long-term care 

An elder law professional will be the most useful when you’re working on issues pertaining to your senior care.  Sometimes it’s necessary to relocate to an assisted living facility to retain a comfortable quality of life, but you want the peace of mind that everything is being done with your best interests in mind.  

Your lawyer will be knowledgeable in every area of elder care, and he/she will have the ability to protect your rights every step of the way.  

Setting up a power of attorney

Seniors commonly find themselves in the position where it is in their best interests to appoint someone else as the decision maker when it comes to some very major parts of your everyday life.  

Only someone you trust explicitly should ever have the chance of becoming power of attorney over you.  Make sure you have a competent lawyer to back you and protect you, especially if the person you choose turns out to have malicious motives.  

Disability and social security benefits

Seniors often encounter mobility issues, and those issues may lead to disability.  Growing older means that you are due certain financial coverages, and disability and social security benefits are often difficult to understand. A good lawyer will help you navigate the red tape of the system to get your benefits to your bank account much faster.  

Elder abuse or fraud 

Your elder law professional will also provide protection if you are ever mistreated or taken advantage of by another person.  Seniors are often the target of scammers, and even family members can be a danger at times.  Let your lawyer find justice if you find yourself in a bad situation.  
