3 Tips For Legally Creating A Will

If you’re wanting to create a will so that, when you die, your family and friends will know how to divide and distribute your assets and responsibilities, this can seem like a very big undertaking to get started. And while no one likes to think about dying, especially as you get older and move into assisted living facilities, having a will is vital to ensure that your wishes are followed after you pass away. So to help ensure that this happens, here are three tips for legally creating a will that will be properly executed on when you die. 

Get Help From The Right People

While you can handle legally doing your will all on your own, it is usually best to get some help from people who have experience with this.

One option for help is to use an online service or template that can help to take care of things for you. Especially if your will is going to be fairly simple, having your will prepared in this way can work for you. Keep in mind, however, that you want to be sure that everything is done and filed the right way in order for things to be legal. 

Another option is to hire an estate planning attorney. By doing this, you’ll be able to speak with someone with a lot of experience to help you feel confident in the decisions you’re making and knowing that everything is being done as it should be. 

Include A Residuary Clause

Within your will, it’s wise to include something called a residuary clause. 

Because keeping track of everything that you own or are responsible for and then transferring that ownership or responsibility can be a lot of remember, there’s a chance that one or more of your assets may not get assigned to someone. And if and when this happens, a residuary clause will account for this and make sure that someone you trust will take responsibility for the remainder of your estate that wasn’t specifically given to someone or to a specific purpose. 

Don’t Surprise Your Executor

When you create your will, you will choose someone to be the executor of that will. This executor will take charge of your will and make sure that everything gets taken care of as you’d stated it. This can be a big job. So when you know the person that you’re wanting to act as the executor of your will, make sure you’re spoken to them about this ahead of time.

While an executor doesn’t need to have any specific experience with wills or the law, this isn’t something that you want to spring on someone, as it can be a big responsibility. So before you assign someone as your executor, make sure they’re okay with taking this on. 

If you want to make sure that the will you create is legally binding, consider using the tips mentioned above to assist you in doing this. 

Posted in Law